Christmas spending- Intermediate /Advanced

Below you have two videos about spending on Christmas (presents). What are your views on how much money is spent?

Watch this interview to a mother who bought 350 Christmas presents for her children (more than the previous year)


Watch this report on Christmas consummerism.


A documentary on the origins of Christmas.

And a short monologue by Ellen deGeneres.


Breaking up – B2- Video

Below, you have a video on a narration of one same breakup and two different paths. Here you have a worksheet with different questions on the video.

All credit to Masculine Man

Video used for educational purposes.

Monologues Practice B1 and B2

Below you have the list of monologues we were working with in class. You can practise at home: prepare the ideas, organize them and try to act out the monologue.

1)Online dating is popular nowadays. Say why you think it is very popular and a few reasons in favour and against this type of dating.

2)People get married at a later age now. Is it true or not? Can you describe the situation now?

3)Marriages and serious relationships end up earlier. Is is true or not? Why do people break up earlier in the relationship?

4)There are more divorces than before. Why do you think that is? Compare the present and the past.

5)Compare the pros and cons of being single and married nowadays. Conclude with which situation fits your life now.


REMEMBER to have a clear structure beforehand:

-INTRODUCTION (where you mention the topic you are talking about and the purpose of your monologue)

-BODY (you structure the ideas according to the type of monologue)

a) Opinion monologue

b) Description monologue

c) Pros / cons monologue (do you have to give your opinion at the end??)

d) Present/ Past monologue (Or other kind of contrast)

-CONCLUSION (Make sure you make a summary of the monologue and mention clearly if there are opinions briefly)


Talking about the Story of your Life (Intermediate and Advanced)

Here you have an activity that you can do to ask people about their lives (and think about your own) and later tell the story of your life.

Pay special attention to the questions:

1.Where/ When were you born?

2.Were you born in a big or small family?

3.What is your first memory?

4.What memory can you recall more vividly? Why?

  1. Can you tell me about your infancy?

6.Can you tell me about your teenage years?

7.What did you do in your young adulthood?

8.Do you remember your first love?

9.When did you move out of your parents’ house (if you did)?

10.What do you recall from those first years?

11.Did you study at University? Did you study somewhere else?

12.What was/were your first job(s)?

13.What is your most memorable memory from your adulthood?

14.Did you start your own family? When? How? Who with?

15.What happened later?

16.What is your present situation?


Childhood Memories – Listening

Here you have a podcast on why some childhood memories seem to be more permanent or relevant than others.

Thanks to NPR News for the podcast.

In order to be used in the classroom, there are some questions related to the podcast that can be checked HERE.

The audio has been used for educational purposes. Copyright to NPR News.


The Modern American Family – CBS News – Listening practice – Intermediate /Advanced (B2, C1)

Here you have an article that we’re going to use in class.


Furthermore, below you have a report on some views on the modern American Family. You have the transcript below (two pages) The video is also here:

The modern American family _ TRUEFALSE_CBS NEWSMay 11

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